
We will be at Seedy Saturday on February 22nd 10am – 3pm

PECI (Prince Edward Collegiate Institute), Picton ON
41 Barker St, Picton

Bring your gardening questions and come and see us!




We are very sad to announce that Prince Edward County Master Gardeners will be closing. We have served PEC for thirty years and we will miss seeing all of you at garden shows and fairs.   We hope to reopen sometime in the future and will keep you informed of our future plans.

In the meantime, please feel free to direct your gardening questions to 1000 Islands Master Gardeners https://1000islandsmastergardeners.ca/

A few of our members are transferring to the 10000 Islands group in Kingston, so you can still get local answers to your gardening questions from them: contact them at: https://1000islandsmastergardeners.ca/rideau-1000-islands-master-gardeners/email-us/

Thank you to all of you for your support over the years.